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Mar 27, 2018

We catch up with Tim Romeril. How did the $40,000 challenge go? Find out when we catch up with Tim on the day of the challenge being decided. Scary stuff !!  

Catch up with the latest from Glenn and all the previous episodes:

Mar 20, 2018

I have no idea what happened. Maybe I was that embarrassed I just never got this episode to my team to prep and produce this episode. So while it may be out of continuity, given I have been winning these last few months, I want to include this as there may be some helpful insights in there for you. Ouch !!!  

Catch up...

Mar 13, 2018

We look into more in-depth on exactly what Tim Romeril did to absolutely smash it out of the park, in anticipation of catching up with Tim in a few episodes time. Let’s explore how to guarantee that we lose weight, and what price there is to pay to do it.  

Catch up with the latest from Glenn and all the previous...

Mar 6, 2018

Trying to get into some winning rituals, winning habits.  

Off the uppy, downie, ‘congratulate yourself on what you do approximately right’ letting myself off the hook roller coaster.  

So the journey continues. Quick discussion on cheat day, what are the ‘no go zone’ foods on the other 6 days.  

And a...

Feb 27, 2018

Out walking again. I ordered a good quality outdoor mic, so in an episode or two, the quality will be awesome. Soa Palelei, Tim Ferris and Glenn Chandler combined are being my guides here, and we’re working. Diet is working, exercise is happening well. The day it turned around described, and what the plan is. 126kg...