Sep 7, 2017
It’s clear as crystal that my diary tells the story. Not prioritising health and longevity of life activities has clearly dictated the results I have gotten to date. Let’s discuss
Catch up with the latest from Glenn and all the previous episodes:
Aug 22, 2017
Man, this guy is an inspiration. One of the best humans on the planet gives me (and hopefully you) a strong dose of real, in this RE-reboot episode. The start of a new era. Fat to Phenom going to a new level.
Catch up with the latest from Glenn and all the previous episodes:
Aug 15, 2017
What Tim Romeril has just done will inspire you, and it guarantees he will be dropping 15kg in the next 12 weeks. Anyone keen on following in his footsteps?
Catch up with the latest from Glenn and all the previous episodes:
Aug 8, 2017
After completely skipping the last few weeks, for no real reason other than ‘the world got busy’, we go into why we stop doing things we commit to. And what we’re going to do about it.
Catch up with the latest from Glenn and all the previous episodes:
Jul 4, 2017
The nicest chips (potato chips) I have ever tasted, literally in my life, were put in front of me by my mate and client Andrew Gee. We then went to lovely Mr Wong’s in Sydney, one of the most prestigious and sought after restaurants. Stuck to the diet plan, but possibly ate a little too much of everything, not much,...